A tribute to...

Henry Alfred Cressy

Published: 9/11/2021
Edward Brougham and Henry Alfred (Harry) with Brougham and Anne Cressy (nee Stace) and Fredrick Thomas
Edward Brougham and Henry Alfred (Harry) with Brougham and Anne Cressy (nee Stace) and Fredrick Thomas

""...we cherish your memory and say a prayer for you and all of the fallen comrades and their families of WW1."

- By Peter Taylor, Great Nephew. Cardiff RSL Sub-Branch Vice President


Private Henry Alfred Cressy Service Number 4179 1st Battalion 13th Reinforcements 54th Battalion Harry, on this day Thursday 11th November 2021, we cherish your memory and say a prayer for you and all of the fallen comrades and their families of WW1.

On your headstone in Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Military Cemetery are the words 'In your family's hearts and minds forever'. Several family members travelled to Fromelles in 2010 to pay their respects at your Ceremony.


Young Henry Alfred Cressy, born 5.12.1893, 'Harry'

One of 10 children, son of Brougham and Ann

Enlisted August 1915 into the Australian Infantry

Left Australia, his home and his clan

He sailed with Brother Edward Brougham, 'Bro'

And many others on the HMAT A60 Aeneas ship

To Egypt - a strange land though

To France - a long and weary march and train trip

He was a humble locomotive driver

Full of youthful ideals and dreams

Then became a soldier, batman and writer

In a world of terrifying extremes  

We only know you from reading your diary

Retrieved that fateful day 19/07/1916 by Private W.J. Wilson, a comrade

Now a treasured item and an everlasting memory

Along with letters to the Army requesting information your parents made

For many years the family grieved but knew nothing, a mystery

About the location of your final resting place

Until Lambis Englezos Fromelles project discovery

Found the lost diggers and created your own honoured space

Although you will never know the news to date

That you re-united the many Cressy descendants

We commemorated your 100th anniversary 2016 at Sandgate

And are now writing a book to reflect our ascendants

  The Cressy name will now be immortalised in Boolaroo

A wonderful tribute to commemorate the sacrifice you made

A dedication 'Cressy Road' for your service was held for you

A reminder of the brutal WWI crusade

Rest in Eternal Peace Harry

Love from all of the Cressy descendants

 Written by Great Grand Niece, Angela Harragon (Nee Cressy)


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