David Lynch: A Visionary in Film and Art
Celebrating David Lynch: visionary filmmaker, artist, and storyteller whose surrealist masterpieces reshaped modern cinema and television.
Mansfield, Keith Late of Carindale, and formerly of Bundaberg. Passed away surrounded by his Family on 21.01.2025 Aged 82 Years. Beloved Father of Antony (Dec'd), Alison, Natalie and Odyn. Dearly missed by all. Family and Friends are invited to attend a Funeral Service to celebrate Keith's Life to be held at the George Hartnett Metropolitan Chapel, 224 Newnham Rd Mt Gravatt on Tuesday 28.01.2025 2p.m..
Funeral by : George Hartnett Metropolitan Funerals Mt Gravatt
Website: https://www.ghmfunerals.com.au
Email Address : QLDBrisbaneSouth@...
Phone number : 130066...
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