David Lynch: A Visionary in Film and Art
Celebrating David Lynch: visionary filmmaker, artist, and storyteller whose surrealist masterpieces reshaped modern cinema and television.
Passed away peacefully at the Murray Bridge Hospital Loved wife of Roy (dec) Loving mother and mother-in-law of David & Roz, Anthony & Erin, Eric & Nola, Jeffery & Robyn Loved grandmother of Toni, Kristy, Jaime, Ebbony, Reece, Mark, Tom Step grandmother of Michelle and Chris Great grandmother of 15 grandchildren and 1 great great grand child Peacefully resting
WRIGHT, Evelyn 'Merle'
Loving mother and mother-in-law of Jeffery and Robyn
Cherished Nana of Kristy and Jaime
Loved Great Nanna tovDuke, Eli, Violet and Daisy
Our thanks goes to Jallarah Homes for the wonderful care given to Mum
Our thanks also to the nursing staff at MBSMH who cared for her during her last days
Funeral by : Minge Funerals Pty Ltd
Website: http://www.mingefunerals.com
Phone number : 088531...
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