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ROLLINSON, Sheila Maragret

ROLLINSON, Sheila Maragret

17/07/1932 - 24/08/2024
Publications: Digital
Date Listed: 29/8/2024
Location: Melbourne

Loving wife of Raymond (deceased)
Adored Mother to Raelene (deceased), Pam and Lynne
Much loved Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Mother-in-law

With broken hearts, we announce the passing of our beloved Mum,
Mum was a loving person, our moral compass,
she showed us through example how to lead our lives,
how to treat others with humility, compassion, understanding and courtesy.

Her strength and reliance while caring for our dad inspires us all.
The Last Waltz can now begin with Dad and last forever.

You will always be in our hearts
Rest in Peace

17/07/1932 - 24/08/2024

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ROLLINSON, Sheila Maragret

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